Friday, September 28, 2012

Three Years From Now...

I have enjoyed college very much so far. I have enjoyed meeting new people, learning new things in my classes, meeting new professors and learning how to live on my own in a whole new location. I have been very busy while I have been here but I have done good balancing my time between school, seeing my family and seeing my old friends. I rarely go and see my old friends though because we are all so busy and I am with my new friends I have met here in college most of the time. I also only stay in touchh with a couple of people from high school because I told myself before I left, that I had to meet new people and I couldn't make my college experience like a high school experience all over again... I needed to become more independent! And I have done that very well! I have balanced my time out perfectly with all that I have done here. 
AND I had a dream come true... I finally got what I have been wanting to do for years! An Athletic Trainers Assistant... I wait and am anxious all week for a game...
It's game day...
I'm running around reaching in my bag grabbing role after role of tape trying to keep up with these injured athletes. I'm rushing to tape them while at the same time trying not to hold them out of the game which is the thrill that I live for. Trying to figure out the injury by figuring how it happened and how to heal it as quickly as possible is something that interests me every time. Becoming an athletic trainers assistant keeps me so busy and has now become my life... and I do not have a problem with that because I accomplished one of my goals and I am proud of it! I have worked so hard for this and have dreamed of this for so long that there is no room or time for regrets! Game days are pretty much my workout for the week... Walking, and running around constantly trying not to get my 5'4" self trampled and size 5 foot stepped on by all of these enormous football players. My hard work DID pay off! I live for this and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Next Up....
The Basketball Game!

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