Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Native Americans

Something that I do know about Native Americans is a little bit about their tribes. They have so many tribes it is amazing to think about. They have tribes that are separated by ethnic groups, where they live, similar characteristics and usually by the same language and religion. But almost every tribe believed that nature was sacred. For their living conditions, many of the tribes either lived in tipi's or huts. From what I have read before, I do remember learning that the Native American women were in charge of cleaning their home and the men were in charge of hunting for food and are used for protection. 
The clothing Native Americans wear has always amazed me on how beautiful it all is and how artistic they are to make things that look that great. 
Beading and Feathered Headdresses are very common from what I have learned and seen in movies. They are very resourceful when it comes to animals. They use almost every bit of it for clothing and food. 
Not only is their clothing amazing because of their creativity, but their art work is beautiful also. Especially when it comes to totem poles. They're so colorful and really interesting to look at because each one is different and unique. They each tell a different story or event. 
I want to learn more on Native Americans because there is so much information on them that I don't know about. 

"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." - Crowfoot, Blackfoot warrior and orator

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