Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How Humans Express Empathy: Second Semester Final: Part 2

How humans express empathy was shown through all of the videos and books that were read. Humans express empathy in multiple ways towards many different people. Choosing a picture of people holding hands represented that empathy because in tough times, people come together as one. Showing empathy can go from a simple apology to somebody giving up parts of their lives. The more empathy that is shown from person to person the closer everybody comes to becoming one. The more empathy there is the better living on this earth will be.
            The Laramie Project is a great example of expressing empathy because not only was it shown through person to person, it was shown throughout a whole community. There was hate from some of the community and there was also a lot of love in that community as well. In the beginning everybody had their own opinions about what happened to Matthew Shepard, but in the end many were giving their love to Matthew and his family for what had happened. Even Mr. Sheppard was giving his love to the boy, Mr. Mckinney, who killed his son. Mr. Shepard was showing empathy through his heart and his words. “I would like nothing better than to see you die, Mr. McKinney. However, this is the time to begin the healing process, to show mercy to someone who refused to show any mercy. Mr. McKinney, I am going to grant you life, as hard as it is to do so, because of Matthew” (Shepard). He badly wanted Mr. Mckinney to get punished for the crime that he committed, but he mostly wanted him to live with the guilt for the rest of his life every single day.  “Mr. McKinney, I give you life in the memory of someone who no longer lives. May you have a long life. And may you thank Matthew every day for it” (Shepard). That stakes an extremely strong person to do something like that. That was the most powerful part in the book. When Matthew got murdered, his family felt alone. Nobody liked the person that Matthew was and didn't know what the family was going through. Once the town realized how horrible this was, they came together as one. The people that still hated on the situation were in shock at what happened when the attention turned away from them, onto other. People in the community dressed up as angels and stood in front of the protesters so their signs would no longer get press and attention from the media. Which is what the tag was representing. They were respecting Matthew and his family to show their empathy for the horrible act that ended his life. “I mean, these are people trying to distance themselves from this crime. And we need to own this crime. I feel. Everyone needs to own it” (Jedadiah Schultz). And they did! They town eventually did own up to this crime. They thought they didn't live in a town where a crime like that would happen, but a town can’t always stay perfect for forever and they started to realize that and were all giving empathy to the situation, Matthew and his family. More understanding and less judgmental. They become one community.
            Empathy is not always expressed from human to human. It can be expressed with anything that somebody loves. For example, in Seven Pounds, Emily had a Great Dane dog that she loved. She didn't love it just because it was a pet; she loved it because she could relate to Duke. Great Danes, like Emily, have a heart condition so she feels that she can connect with Duke in that way. Emily tells Ben when they are sitting in the field that is the reason why she got Duke, because it is comforting to her to know she is not the only one who is not healthy. This time, nobody owed that empathetic feeling to her; she did it to herself and made herself feel better all on her own. What Ben did for Emily is not even describable. The most common way of giving empathy is usually through an apology. Ben did something way beyond anything anybody could imagine. He gave his body parts to those that were fighting for their lives for those body parts. Giving his heart to Emily saved her life. That isn't even a favor, what he did was a miracle given to Emily. She asked Ben why he was so nice to her and why he was taking care of her so well and he said, “because I get the feeling that you really deserve it” (Ben).  Ben felt that he completely ruined his life, so he should give life to those who could make the most of it because they haven’t ruined their lives; they’re the ones fighting for theirs. That is an extreme example of empathy but that is an example of an amazing person.
Craigslist Joe is all about a community becoming one. Joe, who starts off his journey all alone ends up meeting so many amazing people. He becomes a whole new person from his trip. Realizing that there are people out there that will help out those in need. It was a shocking thing to see the reality of random strangers almost automatically becoming a good friend just from an ad online. It seems as though, the world is so caught up on ourselves and technology that maybe there is no chance for people to communicate or help each other out anymore. “Some say we have lost the sense of community that used to carry us through tough times” (Garner). That sounds like a sad realization that none of us want to believe is true, so Joe wanted to prove that theory wrong. He wants to prove that there are good people out there, and we can take care of each other. Generously people would offer and offer some of their belongings, food, and even a place to stay to Joe. Watching that was a comforting feeling because sometimes it is hard to know if there people out there who would do that to anybody. “We can take care of each other” (Garner). At the beginning he questioned if we could take care of each other, and at the end he proved that we can! Not everybody is going to give away some of their items, but that’s not what this world needs. We don’t need everybody to be the same because being different is what makes us, but if there was a good majority of people that were like the people in the video, this world would be a much better place.
The process of healing through other people is an amazing example of how to express empathy. Having friends and family be there for support is a great thing, but to have those people surrounding you and actually healing you through an illness is amazing. This process of healing through other people was shown in The Ceremony. Tayo was really struggling with P.T.S.D, and felt really lost in life because he felt like he didn’t fit in because nobody else was struggling with that illness like he was. Tayo never believed that he could be cured. He never believed that any of it worked because one of the medicine men who tried to cure him before, didn’t help him. He finally found a medicine man, Betonie that actually ended up being his really good friend and eventually curing Tayo! “Being alive was all right then. He had not breathed like that for a long time” (Silko). Tayo being cured was a process; he wasn’t healed in one day, it took time. Tayo liked noticing how he was getting better and that he was making process! He became really close with the Betonie while he was healing and he really enjoyed being able to connect with somebody because in Tayo’s town he was known as different because of his race, but Betonie was the same race as Tayo, so he felt comfortable finally. “You don't have anything if you don't have the stories” (Betonie). Betonie took Tayo through a “ceremony” to make him see that he does have a reason to live. Telling stories is what helped Tayo a lot. They made his eyes open to the world and realize that he is not alone. It is amazing to see that people can heal other people. Just with some story telling it can turn somebody’s whole life around, which is incredible.  
Love is something you can see and feel, but it is possible to just feel it, and to just see it. It doesn’t have to be both at the same time. This is proven in Seven Pounds. A character, Ezra shows that loving is possible by just feeling it in the heart. Since Ezra couldn’t see, feeling it in his heart was all he could do. He was an amazing man, who was proven and Ben noticed. Ben had to make sure that Ezra was a good man to make sure that he was giving his parts to a person who well deserved the part. When Ben gave him his eyes to see, Ezra’s whole face lit up. It was the most amazing scene ever. He could now look at the love surrounding him. Feeling love through his heart without seeing it is incredible, but he now being able to see it is something else. It takes somebody very special to be able to do that. When Emily saw Ezra for the first time with Ben’s eyes she started crying. In that moment they were both giving and showing each other empathy because they both understand what each other have gone through. It was a journey for both of them. They could now live their lives again and become somebody new. Somebody they always wanted to be because they were a whole new person! They were the same loving people at the same time, but more complete again. Giving body part to human to human made them all become one. It brought them all close. Even with the death of Ben, Emily and Ezra could understand each other and understand the meaning of life now. It was beautiful to watch something like that.
People don’t have to go to the extreme of giving up their lives for other people to show their empathy towards one another, but all of these examples showed multiple ways how empathy can be expressed. Storytelling, listening, giving food, shelter. Anything kind towards another person is EMPATHY. Just showing love to somebody is empathy. It is a beautiful thing because it truly does make people become closer as one. Empathy can be described as something simple, but it can be expressed in many many ways which is the best part about it! Human love is something that cannot be described because it is too beautiful to even be described. It can definitely be something that is confusing, but it is incredible. That's for sure.